Field Trips

Coweta Stem Institute


The following is a list of topics available for each grade level. Note that each grade level follows a particular theme. Each theme and the month in which it is presented are listed below along with a brief description of the program. Now available for grades K, 2, 4, 6 and high school astronomy classes, the Digitalis Digital Planetarium is state of the art technology that CSI instructors will bring to your school. Pricing for these field trips appears below in the Pricing Information section, following all field trip descriptions. All field trips begin at 9:30 and end at approximately 11:30, unless other arrangements are made.
Please note: This center will be closed the month of December.
2024-2025 Field Trip Offerings

Kindergarten- The Day and Night Sky- March

Students will identify changes in the day and night sky. They will investigate the effects of the sun’s light and heat on the Earth. They will explore moon phases and make a model moon with craters to take home. They will explore constellations by visiting the Digital Planetarium. They will even get to decorate and use a telescope to take home. Using refractive glasses, students will discover that all light is separated into seven colors (rainbows).

Please note: planetarium requires gym or large room set up.

(Georgia Standards of Excellence: SKE1a & b)

Register Here

First  -Makey Makey Sound-February 

Students will explore the role of vibrations in sound production in this STEAM activity.  They will experiment with variations in sound, such as pitch and intensity, and will discover how and why they occur.  They will explore sound production using a Makey Makey and a Chromebook to create different sounds.  Students will get to design their own virtual musical instrument.  Check out this video for more about the Makey Makey:

(Georgia Standards of Excellence: S1P1 d)

Register here

Second- Stars and the Moon- October

Students will investigate stars and discover that they appear in groups called constellations. They will model the movement of the Earth as they observe changes in the sky over a period of time. Inside the Digital Planetarium, students will observe moon phases, constellations, and stars as they discover attributes of celestial bodies.

Students will explore gravity by solving this problem, “Can you make a ramp with your group that will only allow the sphere to roll as far as the piece of string?”

Please note: planetarium requires gym or large room set up

(Georgia Standards of Excellence: S2E1a & b; S2E2 a, d)

Register Here

Third- Geology- September

Students will learn the differences between a rock and a mineral. They will be introduced to rocks and minerals found in Georgia. They will identify mineral samples by testing their properties (hardness, streak, color). They will design and build a water filtration device. They will dig for fossils and classify them. Each student will make a cast and mold fossil with modeling clay and plaster of Paris to take home.

(Georgia Standards of Excellence: S3E1a, b; S3E2a, b)

Register Here

Fourth-Robotics and Coding- January

This brand new field trip involves geometry, robotics and coding. Students will have fun learning while playing with an app-enabled robotic sphere. Students will collaborate to design and construct a path containing various angles. Students will then discover how to program/code a Sphero, a robotic sphere, to navigate the path. Students will get hands on experience measuring angles using a protractor. This STEAM activity takes hands-on learning up a notch!

Register Here

 Fifth- Makey Makey Electricity- November 

Students will participate in static electricity experiments and experience the effects of the Van de Graaf Generator. They will explore current electricity by building a workable circuit using a Makey Makey and a Chromebook. They will also learn about safety through Georgia Power’s Power Town.

(Georgia Standards of Excellence: S5P2 a,b, c)

Register Here

New Field Trips 2024-25

New Field Trips
K-5th Grade – Coding across the Curriculum with Ozobot Robots
6-8th Grade- Coding Across the Curriculum with Ozobot Robots
6-8th Grade- – Biomicry and Drones
6-8th Grade- – PocketLab and Vaping Dangers
9–12th Grade –PocketLab and Vaping Dangers

Register Here


Planets, Moon and Sun- (available upon request)

Students will explore the position, movement, and relative size of planets and the moon in the Digital Planetarium. They will observe the movement and characteristics of comets, asteroids and meteors. Students will model the movement of the Earth, moon and sun as they differentiate solar and lunar eclipses.

Please note: planetarium requires gym or large room set up

(Georgia Standards of Excellence:: S6E1 a, b, c, d, e; S6E2 a, b, c ; S7L4; S8P4 b, c;S8P5 a)

Register Here

9 – 12- (Science) Celestial Theater- (available upon request)

Students will recognize constellations visible from their location as they visit the Digital Planetarium. They will evaluate the effects of the positions of the Earth, moon, and sun as they relate to moon phases, eclipses, seasons, and diurnal cycles. Students will predict the visibility of planets based on orbital motion.

Please note: planetarium requires gym or large room set up

(Georgia Performance Standards: SAST2 b, c; SAST3 a, b, c)

Register Here

If you are unable to schedule your class during the designated month, please request a day in April.

Please e-mail Coordinator at

Register on-line at:

Pricing Information

$6.00 per student for CCSS Schools

$7.00 per student for CCSS Schools planetarium field trips

$9.00 per student for non-CCSS schools

$11.00 per student and parent non-CCSS schools planetarium field trips

Please note this important information regarding registration and payment.

Schools will pay for the number registered for a field trip, unless they notify CSI one week prior to the designated field trip. We understand that sometimes students are absent on the day of the field trip, so we will make an exception for those. If in fact the school brings more students than the number registered, the school will pay the designated amount per student as indicated in the Pricing Information section above for any additional students. This procedure is necessary because our staff prepares for a certain number of students based on the number registered. When there is a substantial difference between the number registered and the actual number attending a field trip, we will not come prepared with the appropriate amount of materials to serve the students.

Please note that all field trips begin at 9:30 and end at approximately 11:30, unless other arrangements are made.

Please note: The Institute will be closed the month of December.